Friday, January 22, 2010

All Star Fan Voting: Filled With More Jokes Than Stand Up Night On Comedy Central

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Ice Cold Sports here on the Radio Blog Network. I am your host known famously around my parts as The Iceman. Lots to do today so lets jump right into it.
I want to start today with the NBA fan voting. For weeks we kept hearing reports that Allen Iverson and Tracy McGrady were leading their respected positions to start the mid season classic. Allen Iverson and Tracy this the year 2000 or 2010? Granted that yes Allen Iverson was once the best point guard in the league and none of us will ever forget the great and always entertaining "practice" rant. But his career has not be the same since he left Philadelphia in 2006. He struggled to transition from the role of the superstar to the role player and practically made himself unwanted once his days in Detroit ended. Of course this season the Memphis experiment didn't work, he was let out and now back where it all started to try to rejuvenate his career. But with the loyality with fans, we will see old AI run the point in this years all star game.

I feel as if the Gilbert Arenas situation didn't blow over that he would be the obvious choice to be the man. But lets face it. Hes just an immature, selfish diva who turned out to be a mega waste of money.

The top two names that stand out to be who should be named as reserves are Chicago Bulls guard Derrick Rose and Boston Celtics star Rajon Rondo. Rose is electrifying the basketball scene in Chicago where he seems to shine in the biggest of spotlights. Then of course you got a man has turned into a triple-double machine in Rajon Rondo, who is probably one of the most overlooked and underrated players in the game. But I guess when your teammates include Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and Rasheed Wallace, you will tend to lose your spotlight. However...little Rajon keeps motoring on.
And I can't sit here without giving some major props to Brandon Jennings. You remember him...he chose to skip college to play overseas to get into the NBA faster. When drafted by the Bucks, the move was questioned and risky. Now its turned out to be the steal of the draft. If you haven't seen Jennings on a court yet, make it a goal to.

Then you have Tracy McGrady. You remember him don't you? He became known in Toronto and a star in Orlando before coming to Houston. But in reality...most just know him as Vince Carters cousin.

McGrady is putting up stellar numbers this season, averaging 3.4 points a game in six games this year while averaging a very tiring seven minutes a game.

Excuse me here but why is this man even on the ballet? Secondly how is this man getting votes? Are there people really out there that feel that Tracy "I spend more time on the injury list than the court" McGrady is better than the likes of Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Deron Williams, and Chauncey Billups? Oh and I hear that Tony Parker guy in San Antonio is pretty good too.

But in the end justice was righted and fans will get to see a very deserving Steve Nash run a powerful western team with Carmelo Anthony, Tim Duncan, Amar'e Stoudemire and of course Kobe.

With the events that have unfolded this year added to the many of head scratching choices we've seen. There is no bigger time than now to do away with fan voting in all sports, not just basketball. It is time to leave this kind of power to people who know how to use it. I'm talking about the players, coaches, general managers, and sports writers to determine who is worthy of getting that starting honor. It is more clear now than ever that the fans just can't handle that kind of responsibility anymore.

But least they don't have the problem the NFL has. Just about all of the NBA's all stars will show up. except hopefull...Allen "Not the Answer Anymore" Iverson.

With that we'll take a break. More after these messages on Ice Cold Sports. Part of the Radio Blog Network.

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