Friday, January 22, 2010

Part 3: Seventh Inning Stretch/Bonehead of the Week

Welcome back to Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network. Lets get to the 7th inning stretch. This is a new segment where we will quickly cover whatever is happening in the world of baseball. Starting in New York...

The Mets acquired Outfielder Gary Matthews Jr.

Excuse me while I wet myself in excitement. No really...If I were a Braves or Phillies fan I would be so scared because a .258 career hitter is making his way to Queens. is that guy making 10 million a year? I really think they only did this deal because the Angels also gave them 21 million dollars along with him. I'm sure Omar will spend that money wisely. This is Matthews 7th team in ten years. Don't you think theres an issue there? I'll let you decide.

Rick Ankiel signs with Royals.

Rick Ankiel...hmm...oh! the guy who once threw wilder than Rick Vaughn.

At least he discovered in the minors that he can hit the snot out of a ball. I actually like this move for the Royals. He has pop and the Royals need pop. Not to mention he actually has a heck of a glove. One the bright side...he doesn't have to travel far. On the bad side...its the Royals. Good Luck Buddy.

I was going to talk about the Jose Contreras signing but everytime I try to act serious, I crack up laughing. If the Phils are smart...they won't him start period.

Lets finish things up with the Bonehead of the Week Award.

This week it wasn't a hard decision at all. In fact...this may be the easiest pick I've ever had.

If you voted for Allen Iverson and/or Tracy McGrady in the NBA All Star voting you are the biggest fool on this earth. What on earth would make you think that either of those two is worthy enough to represent the best and brightest stars in the league. This isn't the year 2000. So to all of you dipsticks that voting for these are massive boneheads. Heres a present just for you.

That's going to do it for this edition of Ice Cold Sports. Catch you next time for another exciting episode. This has been Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network, I'm the Iceman and I'm out of here faster than a Mark McGwire steroid filled homerun.

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