Thursday, March 4, 2010

Twitter Is Not For Everyone

By now we all should know what Twitter is. I would actually hope by now you would know what Twitter is. Some call it a text message, condensed version of a Facebook status. Twitter is a massive global phenomenon where you call follow and keep up with just about anybody. But lets face it. Even Twitter is not for everyone.

A prime example is I guess what you can call a "noob" to Twitter but he's someone we all know and love. He provides us with dozens of colorful rants, temper tantrums on the field, curse filled sound bites. The whole nine yards. That man is Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen. You can't understand a damn word hes saying when your see him on tv or hear him on the radio and this is no exception. His tweets are a mixture of crappy english skills, spanish, and misspellings all over the place. I will read you one just so we can all be on the same level.

My son oney doing sport elec to have abs if tha help y will doe to

Okay so this one is about his son. And something to do with abs. Other than that...I can't for the life of me what the hell is going on. How bout another one?

Otro zapato a los fenomenos de venezuela tortuga y la logica

Woo a Spanish one. Now my Spanish is a little rusty. Thankfully Google is full of free translators to help us out. Or not. After using several different translators the best translation found was...

Another shoe to the fenomenos of Venezuela tortoise and the logica

Okay so something about a shoe, Venezuela, and a turtle. head is spinning to.

But all in all I really hope Ozzie goes against his word. He claimed that his Twitter won't be used for rants about umpires or how bad his team may be playing. But used for personal reasons and things he does away from the field. I have a little trouble believing all that though because we all know he is a very emotional guy and he doesn't know when to quit while hes ahead.

Ozzie you should be one of my favorites to follow this season. I thank you for what entertainment you will surely provide in the coming months. Just throwing this out there. Ice Cold Sports has a twitter and is on Facebook. Feel free to check them out and if you so please, follow them and get involved. I promise you won't need a special translator to understand what I'm saying. Thats all for now. This is Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network.

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