Monday, April 26, 2010

Tim Tebow: A Risk That May Never See A Reward

This is Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network. I'm the Iceman Dan Pacini. And with the 25th pick in the NFL draft the Denver Broncos shocked EVERYBODY when they took Florida quarterback Tim Tebow.

Question to all... What was the most shocking part about this? The fact that they took a guy they didn't truly need? Or what they gave up for him? For me really it is a toss up because they will find out in a few years that each decision was not the right choice.

Lets examine the pick selection Time Tebow first. We all know he is a guy with amazing character, heart, leadership, and skill. But think back to the combine what everyone said about his game. He needed to completely change his delivery and motion. That was his biggest obstacle. Nobody doubted his abilities, just his techniques. Most coaches said he wouldn't play quarterback in the NFL. If I were a coach he wouldn't be my first option. He is so big and quick that you can really slot him anywhere and he'll succeed. But the Broncos only plan to use him at quarterback.

That brings us to the next shock factor in this. The Broncos didn't need a quarterback. They're starter is Kyle Orton who I will argue only had success last year because of the same reason why Jay Cutler had success in Denver. They threw the ball to Brandon Marshall. Look at Cutler in Chicago without a guy like Marshall. He stunk, led the league in interceptions and before that Orton had the same issue. But none the less, Denver has their starter.

They also have a backup who has the ability and experience to start in Brady Quinn. I know what you are going to say about Quinn but hear me out on him. Brady Quinn was in a bad position the second his name got called by the Browns. He we developed and coached poorly and in my opinion he never got the chance he deserved to develop and learn to be a starter in the National Football League. It seemed like every time he made bad decision or executed a play wrong the Browns would sit him for Derek Anderson who never did play better than Quinn but it took more for Quinn to replace him than it was for Anderson to replace Quinn. The Cleveland Browns were a train wreck when they drafted him and are just now getting on their feet now that the somehow convinced Mike Holmgren to take the job to run that franchise.

So we've covered two sides of this. The decision to take Tebow and why they shouldn't have. But there is another factor here and that is what the Broncos gave up. Which to me is the most astonishing aspect of this whole deal.

The Denver Broncos gave up a second, third, and forth round pick in the draft for Tim Tebow. I'll repeat that. The Denver Broncos gave up three picks for a quarterback who needed too change his entire game and a rookie when they already had two established quarterbacks on the roster. Again...THREE draft picks, high round draft picks for ONE guy. All the Redskins had to give the Eagles for Donavon McNabb was a fifth rounder. McNabb is gamer. A proven winner in this league. Are we to assume now that Tim Tebow is better or more valuable than Donavon McNabb? It really bothers me that the league sees unproven rookies to be more valuable than proven veteran that get the job done. Giving up three picks for Tim Tebow may have been the worst decision in recent draft history. Especially if you don't plan to utilize his talents and skills at all. The Broncos are pretty much just gonna make him sit and learn on the sidelines.

Of course we don't exactly know whether the risk will have paid off for a good three to five years. But at this moment I can't help but call Josh McDaniels and the Denver Bronco organization a collection group of boneheads. Let me know how you feel about this and other topics on facebook. Just search Ice Cold Sports. You can also follow me on Twitter at AppStIceman. Till next time folks I'm The Iceman Dan Pacini and this has been Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network.

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