Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A First Look At Super Bowl XLIV

Welcome to another exciting edition of Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network, I am the man with the plan and all the info you need to know. They call me The Iceman and it is time to give you the first of what will probably be many looks and story lines of Super Bowl 44.

First I want to quickly cover each teams Super Bowl history. The Saints...they don't have any. This is their first trip to the big game. That leaves only the Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans on the "never been there" list.

On the other side you got the Colts making their forth trip to the Super Bowl. They first appeared in that memorable Super Bowl III loss to Joe Namath and the New York Jets. Their first Super Bowl victory came in 1971 in Super Bowl V against the Dallas Cowboys. Fast forward 36 years to 41 where they got their second win against the Bears. And here they are now in Super Bowl 44. Now what I find the most interesting about the Colts history is that all four of their Super Bowl appearances have been played in Miami, Florida.

Now that we've covered that, lets get to the matchups and story lines.

To me this is a really even matchup all across the board. You got two high flying offenses who know how to score with marquee superstar quarterbacks and two average/sub-par defenses.

Lets face it, all eyes will be on Peyton Manning and Drew Brees and why not. They finished 1-2 in the MVP voting and are two of the best passers in the game today.

But the matchup I'm most interested in seeing is the running game. And this is where I see the Saints having the biggest advantage in this game. Joseph Addai is just too brittle for my liking in this instance, it seems like hes always banged up and that includes this year. I should know he gave me headaches on my fantasy football team this season. And if anything happens to Addai, then the pressure falls on the rookie Donald Brown.

On the other side of the field you got two explosive runningbacks with breakaway speed and quick moves in Pierre Thomas and the always electrifying Reggie Bush.

I feel that's where the Saints have the biggest advantage in this. Speed. We all know that speed kills. So we have to wonder if the Colts front seven can contain and keep up with that speed.

Offensively the Colts have a pretty considerable advantage at wide receiver. With the a 1-2 punch of Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark its really hard to figure out who is worth the special attention. We saw Sunday that the Jets struggled to pass defend against both and when they got the job done, young emerging players Pierre Garcon and Austin Collie get their chances and end up making you pay for it. You can argue that the turning point in the AFC title game was that deep ball Manning hit Collie for late in the first half and I will go ahead and say that I may have never seen a more perfect pass than that one. Saints defenders be ready because you will have your hands full.


The Colts may be the early favorites at what I last saw, a 3.5 point favorite but there will be no doubt that the Saints will be the "feel good story" and the favored team among fans. Of course a lot of that has to do with the whole Hurricane Katrina thing and if that had been the 2006-07 season than yes but I don't want to make that a reason why they should be rooted for now.

If you think about it, the Saints really do have a good following and those fans have endured enough torture so it would be really nice to see the Saints "march in" and take the big one away from who I will deem as the evil villains in the Colts.

Another story line here that is interesting will be if the Saints do indeed win, Reggie Bush has said publicly that he will propose to longtime girlfriend Kim Kardashian, seen below.

Some may say that its all a stunt for the attention and something to market for Kim's show and blah blah blah. And some females I have talked to think she shouldn't even say yes if thats what it will take for him to pop the question. But I can tell you I think Bush got the idea.

Remember that moment? That's Ian Johnson popping the question his cheerleader girlfriend on national television after Boise State beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Only difference will be Bush won't have the balls to do it on national tv.

The Prediction

Lets go ahead and get this out of the way. The way I figured I'd predict what should be a great game is let the greatest video game ever decide the outcome and score for me.

That's right. Tecmo Super Bowl. I simulated the Colts and Saints in the game so heres the call.

Colts 21
Saints 31

That'll do it for now. I'm The Iceman and this has been Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network.

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