Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Look Into The Future

Welcome back to Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network, I am the man sharing all my thoughts and opinions with the world, known simply as The Iceman.

Today I'd like to talk about what is coming up for several well known, key athletes and what may happen to them in the near future. Of course I already covered Brett Favre on Monday but we will talk just a little bit on him. We also have Kurt Warner, Gilbert Arenas and Tiger Woods. So lets jump into it and look into the not so amazing but just may get the job done crystal ball.

Brett Favre

I said on Monday that I think Brett Favre will be quarterbacking the Minnesota Vikings next season mainly off the facts that he will be coming off the best season of his entire career.

I seriously believe that he came back the first time was because he didn't want his last pass of his career to be an interception and I'm going to stick with that this year too. And with the kind of talent the Vikings have, he may be able to lead another charge deep into the playoffs. So I suggest to you, don't believe the rumors or reports that its "highly unlikely" because how many times have we been down that road before? Brad Childress is doing the right thing already by not giving him a deadline.

Verdict: returning for another season

Kurt Warner

There have been numerous rumors for the past month about Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner being ready to hang up the helmet.

But unlike Favre, Warner sounds like hes ready to move on from football. He has said that he contemplated retirement after witnessing the hit on Anquan Boldin that broke his jaw. He said it has stuck with him, haunted even. There have also been reports about Warner saying that the game of football isn't even fun to him anymore. With all this it is very hard to think he will come back and he'll put all the discussions and wondering to bed on Friday, when he announces he decision.

Verdict: Retiring

Gilbert Arenas

Gilbert Arenas will meet with NBA commissioner David Stern today and a decision will come on his future in the near future but right now I wanna run down quickly the long list of character issues this dude has.

- he has publicly stated that he would score 50 points against certain teams
- he has given his teams problems with his attitude and even questioned his return from an injury because of how bad the team was playing

He has spent much time on the injured list as of late. He only played in 32 games this season before the gun issue arose. He played in two games last season and 13 before that.

When it comes down to it. You shouldn't bring a loaded gun near your place of employment and his lame excuse of "i didn't want to keep it at home" was just foolish. Keep it in the car if dude. Then he made it worse by drawing the loaded weapon on a teammate. With all the federal investigations going on, he may be facing jail time and David Stern has the reputation of not putting up with things like this.

Verdict: suspended the remainder of this season and all of next and will also need to report back to Stern before being eligible to return.

Tiger Woods

Finally lets turn to Tiger Woods. I'm going to keep this short because I feel like I'm one of the very few who don't trash and joke at his expense.

He'd admitted to what he did, hes got himself help, and his wife wants to work it all out and stay together. With all that said I really believe he will start training soon and make his return the tournament before The Masters. And I say the tournament before because I really feel like he'll want a warm up before going to win a major title.

verdict: back for The Masters

That'll do it for today. More tomorrow. Thanks for joining me, I'm The Iceman and you've been logged into Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network.

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