Friday, February 12, 2010

Celebrating: How Far Is Too Far?

Good afternoon from a snow and ice filled, blizzard recovering Boone, North Carolina you are inside the only thing colder than the temperature outside. This is Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network.

Once again I find myself having to sit here and talk about sportsmanship. We can thank our good friends at the NCAA for this one as they are looking to pass a new rule that was crack down more on "excessive" celebrating on the football field. The rule will stat that any celebrating, taunting, or showboating before the ball carrier crosses the goal line will be flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct at the spot of the foul. This would penalize the team the standard fifteen yards and also negate the score.

So does this mean that if a player high steps into the endzone, he will then be flagged for taunting? I'm starting to think that the NCAA won't stop until they have done away with any form of celebration, excitement, cheer, joy, and passion for the game. Imagine watching the national championship and not being allowed to celebrate the game winning field goal or touchdown in the final minute at the risk of being flagged fifteen yards. Why we're at it NCAA, lets not allow any contact what so ever, no running, and no talking. We'll play nice, quiet, and a tackle can be a simple yet gentle two hand touch. However, if you tag the player too hard, that sir is a penalty.

But seriously, where do we draw the line? Especially the taunting calls are all judgment based by fat men in their 50's with depleted vision and lack of ability to keep up with the action.

The NCAA has forgotten something in all this. The athletes they are policing are also kids. Yes I said kids for a bunch of 18 to 21 year old athletes. They should be allowed to celebrate and show joy for the good that they do. Of course there is a line drawn in the sand when it comes to it but most events I have witnessed for the yellow flag, were not justified at all.

During this past season a Purdue Boilermakers player was flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct for hugging the Purdue mascot after scoring a touchdown. Where is there taunting in that? That's a student athlete showing passion for the good that he did. If you score you should be allowed to do a dance with a teammate, hand out some man hugs, jump in the air, and spike the ball. The only time I personally would give that a flag is if they went too long with it. Let the kid do a five second dance, it doesn't hurt. However if it runs over ten seconds, then yeah throw the hankie.

I've seen events that were obvious forms of taunting but were not called. Like when a defensive player lays out the ball carrier then proceeds to stand over them and yell god knows what to them while they lay dazed on the turf. THAT should be a flag. Giving a teammate a salute should not. Any form of celebration or taunt directed towards the opposing team should be warranted with a flag. But if you make a snow angel in the endzone, does that seriously hurt anybody's feelings?

So I bet you are wondering where does the great team rushing the field event by Georgia a few years ago stands. Personally...I liked that call, I think it sent a message to Florida that they came to play and was a good way to motivate each other. If I were an official I would lean towards flagging that kind of ordeal mainly due to the timing of the event. It was the first quarter after all. If that were to put them up late in the forth quarter though, I would let it slide as long as if it didn't last too long.

Whether you agree with how I see what is fair game and foul, I'm sure all you can admit that the NCAA is going to far with these rules. That wraps it up for this edition of Ice Cold Sports. See you next time. I'm the Iceman and your inside the Radio Blog Network.

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