Monday, February 8, 2010

The Feel Good Story America Was Waiting For: Better Late Than Never

Greetings from Miami, Florida folks you are tuned into Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network. And yes I am still mentally taking a vacation believing that I am indeed in beautiful Miami, Florida.

So here we are crowning the New Orleans Saints Super Bowl champions and I have to start by saying other than witnessing my own team winning a Super Bowl that I was never more happy to see a particular organization win a championship. Although the Hurricane Katrina disaster is nearing the five year anniversary, the tragedy is still fresh in our minds.

I want to take you back to that time for just a few moments here. With what happened in 2005, the Saints played all their home games in San Antonio and finished the season with a 3-13 record. They returned back to The Superdome for the 2006 season where they improved with a 10-6 season, a division championship, and a rejuvenated fanbase. They make it to the NFC title game where they lost to the Bears on the road in a very tight game. If they had one that game they would have found themselves playing in the Super Bowl, against Peyton Manning and the Colts, and in Miami.

It was really easy to see that a good portion of the country wanted the Saints to win this. Not to root against the Colts but because we wanted to see them close the book on the story we as sports fans have long waited to see end with a happy ending.

I feel the momentum of the game changed at the start of the second half when Sean Payton called for the onside kick, which was one hell of a gamble and luckly for him payed off nicely. The Saints gambled several times and it worked for them just about everytime. Then of course the finally nail in the coffin last night as the worlds greatest quarterback of all time, and yes thats sarcasm, throws the interception that seals the deal for New Orleans. Which is funny because I read a tweet on my twitter page last night after the game saying how Peyton, who grew up a Saints fan, had always dreamed of throwing a touchdown pass for the Saints in the Super Bowl. And now he has.

As the game came to an end Bourbon Street turned into a widespread celebration. And the team and the city can finally close the book on the great american sports story that happened just a few years later than when we truly wanted it to. But as the saying goes, better late than never. Congratulations Saints, the city of New Orleans, and the fans, its very rare when you get to say that you not earned the title, but deserved it as well. I'm sure Drew Brees will have a blast at Disney World and I'm sure Reggie Bush will keep that marriage proposal promise. All we have to look forward now is the draft in April.

This closes the book on this edition of Ice Cold Sports. I'm the Iceman and we'll see you next time here on the Radio Blog Network.

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