Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rights And Wrongs In The Student Section

Welcome to todays edition of Ice Cold Sports here on the Radio Blog Network. One particular story caught my eye last night that truly inspired to me to discuss today. It was about the University of West Virginia's student section and how they have crossed the line so often lately, that it has prompted the school having to warn the students to tone down their actions. I want to explore what qualifies as crossing the line inside the student section. What are the students allowed to do now? I think I may have to come up with some guidelines to help student sections everywhere so they can be their very best and loudest.

An action like that is taking the fun of being rowdy and getting into your opponents head too far. I feel its perfectly fine to taunt opposing players and coaches if you do it the right way. The right way being not scream names of women that prompted a big scandal within the media, school, and ones own family. If you want to rattle Pitino's brain wouldn't a simple "ricky" chant work? Students should have the maturity it know right from wrong in these kinds of situations. Especially when you yourself are in the stands showcasing the colors and name of your university.

The firestorm over the West Virginia student became public mainly because the student section was heard screaming obscenities during a game that was loud enough to be heard by viewers on tv. So now you are probably thinking "thats it? thats all?" For the most part yes. That is the largest red flag here. But what student section hasn't been heard doing it after a bad call or at a opposing player? Its been said and done where I attended college and yes I will admit that I am guilty of taking part in the activity. In my mind there is nothing wrong with it. It is a way of expression for most student sections that are very loud and rowdy.

But there are some occasions where yes the student section will cross the line. Hence West Virginia's second red flag. An incident occurred when West Virgina played host to Louisville. There were frequent occasions when the students in the arena chant the name of a woman that Louisville head coach Rick Pitino admitted to having an affair with behind his wifes back.

But there are also times when the coaches cry wolf on things that really aren't bad at all. I'm looking at you Roy Williams. Back in December Roy's UNC Tarheels were hosting the Blue Hose, thats right Blue Hose of Presbyterian. At one point in the game Williams was ordering security in the building to escort and kick a Presbyterian fan out of the game because he was shouting sarcastically at Tarheels player to not miss free throw attempts. When I read that part I kind scratched my head. I don't see the problem with a fan of the other team in your building trying to make your guy miss. I thought with old Roy having coached his teams at Duke whom provides one of the countries most hostile environments in the sport that he could let this one fan yell his little heart out knowing his school will lose by 40 points. But I guess that one Blue Hose and thats pronounced Blue Hoe's just irked Mr. Williams too far.

I had some time to think things over and rattle my brain which allowed me to create a list of guidelines that all student sections everywhere should follow.

1. Bring the rowdiness and all the loud you got. But be respectful and tasteful with what you cheer and chant. Like the kids on the court and field, you represent your school.

2. Put the "true fans" and "diehards" in the front. Let your loudest be closest to the playing field and let them lead you in the fun and madness.

3. Keep fans of the opposing team out of your student section. I don't care if you are friends with the person or you know them. Fans of the other team belongs with the rest of their section. Keep YOUR section clean and clear of the enemy.

4.Coordinate your colors. Several things you can do with it. You can all wear one color together. You can have this section wear this color and that section wear this color. It don't matter. The more in sync you look, the more in sync you'll be as a student section.

5. Never let up on the noise. It don't matter if your up by 50 or losing by 20. Never let up on the noise. You are there to support your classmates and represent your school. Show pride no matter what the outcome is.

6. Despite the SEC frowning upon it. If you upset a better team on your floor, you are within your right to storm the field or court. You are apart of this after all. Its only fair that you get to celebrate with the team.

If I think of more the I can assure you there will be a part two on this topic. But until now I hope you all are now wiser and energized to help make your student section the best it can be. I wonder if the WVU students kept their word tonight. They said they wouldn't let up until AFTER playing their rival Pitt tonight. Hmm..

7. The bigger the rival, the louder, rowdier, and meaner you need to be.

In the words of Porky Pig....a stutter free "thats all folks." See you next time on Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network.

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