Tuesday, February 2, 2010

You Can't Blitz On Every Play

Greetings everyone from rainy but warm Miami, Florida. I am The Iceman and welcome back to another installment of Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network. Okay so maybe I'm not really in Miami. But I am in my mind. And you would be too if you lived in a place full of snow, wind, and rain.

So here we are, Super Bowl week. You probably saw the nonstop continuous coverage of each team arriving at the airport, checking into the hotels, cocktail parties, new conferences, Peyton Manning sneezing. You get the picture. Today we had nonstop continuous coverage of media day, which is usually a good time, but the rain had a say and everyone was forced to do it in the concourses of the stadium. Then tonight ESPN will talk two or three hours about things the average fan doesn't really care about. And I'm sure the news networks will try to find something to report as well.

This will continue all week long everywhere. Breaking news! Peyton Manning tied his shoes all by himself!!! Then you'll get to sit down with your buddies and loved ones with food and drink in hand for the six hour pregame show!!! Thats right. They need six hours to talk about ONE game. Yet they can talk about sixteen games during the season in thirty minutes and STILL tell you everything you need to know.

This is a major problem the media has with sports and sports events a like and not just in football. Whenever Tiger Woods wins a major tournament like The Masters or The Open the "worship" level rises. We saw the same thing with Roger Federer just last week in winning the Australian Open.

This is the problem I have with it and I'm going to use the Super Bowl as an example since its this week. By the time the kickoff actually happens on Sunday, I will be officially sick of the actual event that I have so been longing to see. There will be so much coverage that my interest level will be in the negative. More than likely a more negative number than the average temperature in Antarctica.

Dear media, there are more things going on than just the Super Bowl. Yes it is a big event but you don't need to spend so much time on it that it makes me sick to my stomach.

So far this week whenever I tune into ESPN its NFL related and it makes me change the channel. I want variety, I want to know what else is going on because there are plenty of things going on.

You can expect the same things to happen during the entire NBA playoffs or the next time Kobe Bryant or LeBron James hit a game winning shot. Please sports media...give me some variety. Thats all for now. More from Miami (in my mind) later inside Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network.

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