Saturday, May 15, 2010

You Can't Tarnish Your Legacy When You Don't Have One

I hope I will only have to talk about LeBron James only slightly throughout the remainder of this NBA season. Not like he needs the attention from me when you got ESPN and everyone else devoting 75% of their programming to what his next move will be. In Case you were wondering the other 25% is made up of Tiger Woods (15%), other news (5%) and game highlights (5%).

With another early bailout in the postseason everybody wants to discuss LeBron's legacy. Saying things now how he can't get the job done or he can't win the big one. But its not just him, its the whole franchise. LeBron has been begging for years now for the team to bring in better players to help win Cleveland a title. So they brought in guys like Larry Hughes and Donyell Marshall. Obvious that wasn't the right kind of help. Two seasons later they traded that help for guys like Ben Wallace, Wally Szczerbiak, and Delonte West. And this year the help that was going to win not the team but LeBron the championship was Shaq and Antawn Jamison. But I can still promise you that hardly anyone including myself could name Cleveland's starting five off the top of their heads with no help.

Many suggested with another disappointing season that it was time for a coaching change. Which would help. Mike Brown really isn't a good coach. LeBron practically coaches that team. You can clearly see that the players listen to him more than Brown. But the Cavs owner came out immediately saying that Brown would remain the head coach. Or in this case overpaid babysitter for rich young men with ego's larger than the arena.

Maybe ownership should fire Genernal Manager Danny Ferry. He has been the mastermind behind all these moves to help LeBron which clearly have not worked. Am I the only one thinking that Mr. Ferry here can't judge talent too well?

But back to LeBron and his so called legacy. Look people he is twenty five years old hes won two mvps, six all star appearances and a scoring title. The last three seasons they were proclaimed the best team in the east after making one finals appearance but then lost to actual teams like the Celtics and Magic.

Lets just cut the legacy crap already. Look folks, he doesn't have one yet. He hasn't done enough to be dubbed a legend of any kind. He's a top three player in the game right now. Thats it. Remember when Kobe's "legacy" was that he couldn't win a title without help? News flash. Nobody wins championships alone. Kobe didn't win those four titles alone. The Celtics and Spurs played the ultimate team basketball in the league. Even the great Michael Jordan didn't win those six titles by himself. He had a team of all stars where the guys on the bench were good enough to start for most other teams.

LeBron James has no legacy. He hasn't won anything and it is ridiculous to put all the blame on him when the team loses. The guy is only one man. Plus you can't have a legacy at 25. He's not King Tut here.

I will end todays edition of Ice Cold Sports by adding that LeBron James will not only be wearing a new number next season but a new team uniform too. I can't say where. I just know it won't be Cleveland.

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