Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How The NBA Lottery Got It Right

The chances of winning the lotter is one hundred twenty million to one. The odds of getting struck by lighting are 244-1. The Washington Wizards had a ten percent chance of winning last nights NBA lottery. The Wizards overcame their slim odds winning the number one overall pick despite having the leagues fifth worst record.

One thing you will hear a lot today will be the worst record doesn't mean worst team.

The New Jersey Nets had the leagues worst record winning only twelve games in the season. That gave them a 25% chance to win the lottery. But again...the worst record doesn't mean worst team.

The New Jersey Nets were not the worst team in basketball this season. Winning the fewest games doesn't make you the worst teams, it just means your talent level stinks. The nets went out every night playing their hardest as a team with a goal to win a game. They are a very young team and are lacking veteran leadership.

The true worst team was the team that won the lottery, the Washington Wizards. The Wizards do have better talent than the Nets but their season despite more wins was awful.

The Washington Wizards made more headlines for off court issues than they did for what they actually did on the court. First there was the whole guns in the locker room situation with face of the franchise Gilbert Arenas and teammate Javaris Crittenton. For those who don't remember what happened its simple. They both brought loaded guns into the locker room, got into a dispute and pull their guns on one another. Both players were suspended indefinitely and Arenas got probation and had to go to a halfway house.

Real quick I just wanna say something about Gilbert Arenas. This is a man who is holding the Washington Wizards franchise hostage with his ridiculously huge contract that he signed in 2008, which totaled six years and 111 million dollars. In the first year of that contract he only played two games due to mainly injury. But bad attitude can be sited too. He refused to return when ready because he thought it was pointless since the team was so bad. The season before that he played thirteen games. And this past season before the guns deal, he played in thirty two games. So in the last three seasons your star player, the face of your team has played a half of season. In three years.

So after all that the Wizards made a bunch of trades, trading what "stars" they had remaining on the roster for one decent player and some scrubs. That one decent player being Josh Howard played only four games with the team before getting injured and missing the rest of the season.

As if their season could not get worse it did. They had a player quit during the middle of a game. Andray Blatche someone I think maybe two percent of the world have heard of refused to enter in March against the Charlotte Bobcats. The worst part about that incident was that it happened in the first quarter. The teams coach took him out because he was playing sub par and they wanted to coach him. He refused it and refused to enter the game.

THAT is what makes you the worst team in your sport. Again...worst record doesn't mean worst team. Pulling guns, quiting, stuff like that, makes you the worst team. And now we can all fear that Kentucky one year sensation John Wall will be the top pick in the draft and will have the responsibility to save the Wizards franchise. Some the now third pick Nets were hoping to have happen. Well that and signing LeBron James. Lottery got it right! So remember, worst record doesn't mean worst team.

Check me out on Facebook just search Ice Cold Sports and be sure to follow me on the fun that is Twitter. AppStIceman is the name. Stay tuned coming up next here on the Radio Blog Network, I will dab into the fun that is Florida Marlins baseball now that their star is making headlines for all the wrong seasons. See you then! This has been Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network.

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