Thursday, May 20, 2010

How To Be A Bad Leader: The Hanley Ramirez Story

Today is a special day here at Ice Cold Sports. Florida Marlins star player and starting shortstop Hanley Ramirez has graciously offered to teach us all on what not to do when you are the leader and face of your franchise.

The first not to do is to make any bogus excuses why you didn't hustle or give your all. LeBron James you are guilty of this too Mr. We lost because my elbow hurt. So Hanley claimed he didn't hustle after booting the pop fly that fell over his head into left field because his ankle was hurting from when he fouled a pitch off it earlier in the game. That COULD be believable if he didn't run his little heart out trying to catch the ball on the fly. If your gonna fix up an excuse like that. At least make it somewhat believable.

This lack of hustle and lets give big credit where its due to Marlins manager Fredi Gonzalez. He pulled him from the game and made him sit on the bench. And this happened early in the game. Better yet, he refused to play him until he apologized to the team. Which brings us to the next not to do on the list.

Not only did Hanley Ramirez refuse to apologize for his lack of hustle, he called out other teammates for the times when they haven't hustled. He simply threw his teammates under the bus with the "if they don't have to why should i" attitude. Saying things like "We got a lot of people dogging it after ground balls." and "They don't apologize."

Further he went after manager Fredi Gonzalez by saying he had lost respect for him and felt like he shouldn't apologize because he, meaning Ramirez can do "whatever he wants" and that Gonzalez doesn't "understand" because he never "played in the majors."

And hes right. Fredi Gonzalez never did make it to the big leagues when he played. But just because he never played in the majors doesn't make him adequate to coach a team. I was a member of my high school baseball team. And after that I never played again. But that didn't stop my teammates from telling me I would make a good coach some day. Its not about experience. Its about the understanding and knowledge of how the game is played.

Okay he managed to get the hat trick in how to piss off the entire franchise and its fans off. He didn't hustle, he trashed his teammates, and disrespected his manager with no signs of remorse or regret. But wait...yesterday he apologized. But he said he didn't need to! So what happened? Well a couple of hall of famers who happen to be special advisors to the Marlins sat him down and had a rhetorical father son chat. With the father a.k.a the hall of famers doing the talking. They told him exactly what I was thinking when this event first happened.

Hanley Ramirez has been slated as the leader and franchise player of this team. He is expected more than the others to lead by example. That means hustling on every play and respecting everybody on the field. In other words. Get your act together homeboy.

Thanks for logging in today. I hope you had as much fun as I did. We got lots more coming soon in Ice Cold Sports so be sure not to miss a thing. You can get your fill elsewhere on Facebook, just search Ice Cold Sports. Following me on Twitter is pretty fun too. You can find me on AppStIceman. Till next time enjoy the world of sports nation. This is the Radio Blog Network.

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