Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Public Service Announcement From Ice Cold Sports

Hello all. I'm the Iceman Dan Pacini, host of Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network. Today I need to share a cause that is very important to me. A cause that was established to help better mankind everywhere. A cause to rid the world of purple and gold and to think green.

Did you know Los Angeles is the most polluted city in America? I'm not referring to the smog in the air. LA is polluted with massive egos. Celebrities with inflated everywhere. The Kardashians running a muck everywhere. Kobe Bryant's wife doing god knows what. There is as much ego smog in LA as there is dirty air. Don't fall into that trap America. Now is the most important time for all of us to simply think green.

Boston thinks green. Just look at it. Go ahead, Google it. A blue collar city full of hard workers and average people. No glitz or glamor in this town. Just a bunch of Dunkin Donut coffee drinkin, no knowledge how to pronounce the letter R, honest working people. Superstars need not apply here. Boston is a city of dedication and teamwork.

So this NBA finals season, don't let the infection of purple and gold get to you. This disease is highly contagious and can lead to death. This NBA finals season, be smart and think green. We now bring you back to regularly scheduled programming already in progress. Enjoy the finals world.

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