Friday, January 29, 2010

Pro Bowl Or Joke Bowl?

Welcome to Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network, it's Friday and theres a lot to do during the the "blizzard" that is happening right outside my window so lets get started.

In case you have forgotten the NFL Pro Bowl is Sunday and if you haven't noticed, some changes have been made. You will probably go to your calender first to double check if you forgot to watch the Super Bowl since you are use to seeing the Pro Bowl follow the NFL's championship game. Trust me, you didn't miss it. Saints vs. Colts will happen next Sunday. So you may be asking why did the NFL decide to move the game from the week after the Super Bowl to the week before. Well even two years after the decision, people are still trying to scratch their heads on why the change was made. When the NFL first announced it, commissioner Roger Goodell said the change was to "avoid a somewhat anticlimactic ending to the season." ...yeah....I'm confused to.

The second thing you will notice is that the game is not being played in its usual Hawaiian setting. The game is taking place in the same venue as the Super Bowl, Miami's Sun Life, Landshark, dolphin, Pro Player, goldfish snacks, Joe Robbi stadium. And who knows how many more names that stadium held over the years.

Of course the Hawaii was pretty upset about losing the Pro Bowl since it effects their tourism (like they need any help). The even weirder thing is that Goodell won't commit to anything past this. Basically what he is doing is making blind adjustments to something that already sucks to begin with.

Admit it. You don't watch the Pro Bowl. You tend to forget its even happening and you could really care less who wins. But this year there is an increased level of "I don't give a damn" syndrome. The game isn't sold out, I couldn't tell you for the life of me what time it starts or what channel its on. But I can tell you that I believe this year we have a record number of drop outs than ever before.

Because the game is before the Super Bowl the players chosen to represent the two teams playing in the Super Bowl will not be present. So there will be no Peyton Manning, no Drew Brees, no Reggie Wayne or Dallas Clark, along with twelve other players on the two respected teams. Then you got the group of players whether the injury is legit or not, has chosen not to play because of it. This list includes Phillip Rivers, Tom Brady, Wes Welker, Brett Favre, Stephen Jackson, Larry Fitzgerald, Charles Woodson (nfl defensive player of the year), Patrick Willis and about a dozen more.

So if you do decide to tune in on Sunday you won't see Peyton Manning facing off against Drew Brees like you, the fan, voted for. Instead you will see Matt Schaub and Aaron Rodgers. And I will point out that Aaron Rodgers is the originally chosen quarterback left. Then later in the game you'll see the AFC send out Vince Young who was determined to have earned the spot despite only playing in ten games and only throwing ten touchdown passes. The later on if you haven't shoved an ice scrapper through your eye yet, you will get to see David Garrard possibly lead the AFC to a 4th quarter comeback. Atleast the NFC was able to replace Brees and Favre with Tony Romo and Donavon McNabb.

Only one can hope that both teams will run the ball a lot to start so we can see Chris Johnson and Adrian Peterson, who are the two best backs in the league, run the ball down the throats of the defenses. Hell even Ray Rice and Frank Gore in the later stages will be a good show.

Then you have Chad Ochocinco who as Wes Welkers replacement, has drawn all the attention to him by saying he will kick and punt in Sundays game. He even said in a tv interview that he could hit a 48 yard field goal. Sorry Ocho, not even your antics will make me care about watching what is a collection to be the best stars in football playing in a game that only gives coaches, general managers, and owners everywhere headaches. And if you don't believe me there just ask them all about their guys getting major injuries as a result.

I will wrap things up here before Chad Ochocinco tries to steal the spotlight on my own blog. More football later inside Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network.

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