Sunday, January 31, 2010

This Weeks Bonehead of the Week Winner

I usually do this on fridays but during "slow" times I like to give it an extra day or two. I was hoping to find someone better than this individual but I guess luck was not on my side this week.

This one sports "icon" has won the award multiple times and I'm sure down the road, he will pick up a few more trophies to add to his collection. He should thank me really because he certainly doesn't have any championships on that mantle. And I really don't see any ever going up there. So I give you this weeks recipient of The Bonehead of the Week...

Ah yes Mr. Owens so nice to see you again. You sure made yourself look like a real jackass this time didn't you?

For those of you who didn't hear Terrell's latest antics allow me to fill you in. He claims that he would have or be close to breaking Jerry Rice's record for all time touchdown catches if he had played with better "quality" quarterbacks over the course of his career.

So hes blaming his quarterbacks....this is the same guy who cried during a press conference defending his quarterback. You all remember it. sniff sniff, tear tear, thats my quarterback man, thats my quarterback. That sure made me laugh my butt off.

Lets revisit who he's quarterbacked shall we? Let see...first he started with now Hall of Famer and possibly the best lefty to ever play the game Steve Young. Then there was Jeff Garcia who is a four time pro bowler. Then theres Donavon McNabb who was the quarterback the only season Owens played in a Super Bowl with. Not to mention a six time pro bowler and offensive player of the year winner. Then he played with Tony Romo in Dallas who in a young career already has been to three pro bowls. This season he played in Buffalo who's quarterback's aren't even worth mentioning.

Clearly Terrell your quarterbacks are not to blame. Ever think that your suck filled attitude, constant ridiculing of your quarterbacks, your oversized ego are to blame. Plus don't you usually lead the NFL in dropped passes every season? It's not them buddy its you. But we can't possibly expect you to be a man and take responsibility for your own actions.

So congratulations goes to Terrell Owens for being this weeks Bonehead of the Week. Tune in next week to see who takes home the next prize among prizes. Your inside Ice Cold Sports parts of the Radio Blog Network.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Pro Bowl Or Joke Bowl?

Welcome to Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network, it's Friday and theres a lot to do during the the "blizzard" that is happening right outside my window so lets get started.

In case you have forgotten the NFL Pro Bowl is Sunday and if you haven't noticed, some changes have been made. You will probably go to your calender first to double check if you forgot to watch the Super Bowl since you are use to seeing the Pro Bowl follow the NFL's championship game. Trust me, you didn't miss it. Saints vs. Colts will happen next Sunday. So you may be asking why did the NFL decide to move the game from the week after the Super Bowl to the week before. Well even two years after the decision, people are still trying to scratch their heads on why the change was made. When the NFL first announced it, commissioner Roger Goodell said the change was to "avoid a somewhat anticlimactic ending to the season." ...yeah....I'm confused to.

The second thing you will notice is that the game is not being played in its usual Hawaiian setting. The game is taking place in the same venue as the Super Bowl, Miami's Sun Life, Landshark, dolphin, Pro Player, goldfish snacks, Joe Robbi stadium. And who knows how many more names that stadium held over the years.

Of course the Hawaii was pretty upset about losing the Pro Bowl since it effects their tourism (like they need any help). The even weirder thing is that Goodell won't commit to anything past this. Basically what he is doing is making blind adjustments to something that already sucks to begin with.

Admit it. You don't watch the Pro Bowl. You tend to forget its even happening and you could really care less who wins. But this year there is an increased level of "I don't give a damn" syndrome. The game isn't sold out, I couldn't tell you for the life of me what time it starts or what channel its on. But I can tell you that I believe this year we have a record number of drop outs than ever before.

Because the game is before the Super Bowl the players chosen to represent the two teams playing in the Super Bowl will not be present. So there will be no Peyton Manning, no Drew Brees, no Reggie Wayne or Dallas Clark, along with twelve other players on the two respected teams. Then you got the group of players whether the injury is legit or not, has chosen not to play because of it. This list includes Phillip Rivers, Tom Brady, Wes Welker, Brett Favre, Stephen Jackson, Larry Fitzgerald, Charles Woodson (nfl defensive player of the year), Patrick Willis and about a dozen more.

So if you do decide to tune in on Sunday you won't see Peyton Manning facing off against Drew Brees like you, the fan, voted for. Instead you will see Matt Schaub and Aaron Rodgers. And I will point out that Aaron Rodgers is the originally chosen quarterback left. Then later in the game you'll see the AFC send out Vince Young who was determined to have earned the spot despite only playing in ten games and only throwing ten touchdown passes. The later on if you haven't shoved an ice scrapper through your eye yet, you will get to see David Garrard possibly lead the AFC to a 4th quarter comeback. Atleast the NFC was able to replace Brees and Favre with Tony Romo and Donavon McNabb.

Only one can hope that both teams will run the ball a lot to start so we can see Chris Johnson and Adrian Peterson, who are the two best backs in the league, run the ball down the throats of the defenses. Hell even Ray Rice and Frank Gore in the later stages will be a good show.

Then you have Chad Ochocinco who as Wes Welkers replacement, has drawn all the attention to him by saying he will kick and punt in Sundays game. He even said in a tv interview that he could hit a 48 yard field goal. Sorry Ocho, not even your antics will make me care about watching what is a collection to be the best stars in football playing in a game that only gives coaches, general managers, and owners everywhere headaches. And if you don't believe me there just ask them all about their guys getting major injuries as a result.

I will wrap things up here before Chad Ochocinco tries to steal the spotlight on my own blog. More football later inside Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Colors of the Rainbow: Could We See More Schools Changing the Colors of Their Fields?

Good afternoon world, this is The Iceman back with more Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network. An interesting story caught my eye today while I was digging through the internet looking for something to blab about when I came across the story of what the University of Eastern Washington has instore for the next football season. Above you see what we come to know as "the smurf field" at Boise Stateand whether you like it or not, it still draws much attention to the school.

With a mega load of private funding the Eagles of Eastern Washington plan to install a red colored field turf in time for the 2010 season. The school is hoping that the new red field will draw them as much attention and notoriety that Boise State has gotten. The school's AD said that "we have a tremendous opportunity at Eastern to do the same by differentiating ourselves with the red turf while providing a superior playing surface."

Now Eastern Washington isn't the only school looking to add some color to the field. Students and fans of James Madison University are trying to convince school officials to install a purple turf. That's right, a purple turf.

Now I don't know if it's because I have good taste or the fact that I attended the great Appalachian State for my reasons of thinking that looks incredibly awful. Maybe it's a little of both, but I'm sure nine out of ten people would think that is just awful.

But what if other schools began replacing the green grass with colored turf? What if year in and year out relevant, schools packed with tradition, glory, and history decided to go this route?

Could you imagine a Maze colored field in the big house? What about a maroon colored field at the coliseum in Los Angeles? Is it possible to see Ohio State, LSU, Alabama, and Notre Dame playing under the colors of their respected school.

I for one hope this will not be the case. All these colored turfs do is add a gimmick to the product. Come see the blue field, come see the red field. If you get too many schools doing it, it kinda loses it's touch. Plus you gotta think if enough schools start doing it that the NCAA would try to put a stop to it. I don't want to turn my tv on and watch Michigan at Ohio State on a red and grey field. All I need is the atmosphere and the ambiance. I can't and won't even consider to support my App State Mountaineers playing on a black or gold field. I can only hope that not too many schools will follow suit in this. Especially ones who don't need it. For Ice Cold Sports, I'm The Iceman and your logged on to the Radio Blog Network.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Look Into The Future

Welcome back to Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network, I am the man sharing all my thoughts and opinions with the world, known simply as The Iceman.

Today I'd like to talk about what is coming up for several well known, key athletes and what may happen to them in the near future. Of course I already covered Brett Favre on Monday but we will talk just a little bit on him. We also have Kurt Warner, Gilbert Arenas and Tiger Woods. So lets jump into it and look into the not so amazing but just may get the job done crystal ball.

Brett Favre

I said on Monday that I think Brett Favre will be quarterbacking the Minnesota Vikings next season mainly off the facts that he will be coming off the best season of his entire career.

I seriously believe that he came back the first time was because he didn't want his last pass of his career to be an interception and I'm going to stick with that this year too. And with the kind of talent the Vikings have, he may be able to lead another charge deep into the playoffs. So I suggest to you, don't believe the rumors or reports that its "highly unlikely" because how many times have we been down that road before? Brad Childress is doing the right thing already by not giving him a deadline.

Verdict: returning for another season

Kurt Warner

There have been numerous rumors for the past month about Arizona Cardinals quarterback Kurt Warner being ready to hang up the helmet.

But unlike Favre, Warner sounds like hes ready to move on from football. He has said that he contemplated retirement after witnessing the hit on Anquan Boldin that broke his jaw. He said it has stuck with him, haunted even. There have also been reports about Warner saying that the game of football isn't even fun to him anymore. With all this it is very hard to think he will come back and he'll put all the discussions and wondering to bed on Friday, when he announces he decision.

Verdict: Retiring

Gilbert Arenas

Gilbert Arenas will meet with NBA commissioner David Stern today and a decision will come on his future in the near future but right now I wanna run down quickly the long list of character issues this dude has.

- he has publicly stated that he would score 50 points against certain teams
- he has given his teams problems with his attitude and even questioned his return from an injury because of how bad the team was playing

He has spent much time on the injured list as of late. He only played in 32 games this season before the gun issue arose. He played in two games last season and 13 before that.

When it comes down to it. You shouldn't bring a loaded gun near your place of employment and his lame excuse of "i didn't want to keep it at home" was just foolish. Keep it in the car if dude. Then he made it worse by drawing the loaded weapon on a teammate. With all the federal investigations going on, he may be facing jail time and David Stern has the reputation of not putting up with things like this.

Verdict: suspended the remainder of this season and all of next and will also need to report back to Stern before being eligible to return.

Tiger Woods

Finally lets turn to Tiger Woods. I'm going to keep this short because I feel like I'm one of the very few who don't trash and joke at his expense.

He'd admitted to what he did, hes got himself help, and his wife wants to work it all out and stay together. With all that said I really believe he will start training soon and make his return the tournament before The Masters. And I say the tournament before because I really feel like he'll want a warm up before going to win a major title.

verdict: back for The Masters

That'll do it for today. More tomorrow. Thanks for joining me, I'm The Iceman and you've been logged into Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A First Look At Super Bowl XLIV

Welcome to another exciting edition of Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network, I am the man with the plan and all the info you need to know. They call me The Iceman and it is time to give you the first of what will probably be many looks and story lines of Super Bowl 44.

First I want to quickly cover each teams Super Bowl history. The Saints...they don't have any. This is their first trip to the big game. That leaves only the Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Houston Texans on the "never been there" list.

On the other side you got the Colts making their forth trip to the Super Bowl. They first appeared in that memorable Super Bowl III loss to Joe Namath and the New York Jets. Their first Super Bowl victory came in 1971 in Super Bowl V against the Dallas Cowboys. Fast forward 36 years to 41 where they got their second win against the Bears. And here they are now in Super Bowl 44. Now what I find the most interesting about the Colts history is that all four of their Super Bowl appearances have been played in Miami, Florida.

Now that we've covered that, lets get to the matchups and story lines.

To me this is a really even matchup all across the board. You got two high flying offenses who know how to score with marquee superstar quarterbacks and two average/sub-par defenses.

Lets face it, all eyes will be on Peyton Manning and Drew Brees and why not. They finished 1-2 in the MVP voting and are two of the best passers in the game today.

But the matchup I'm most interested in seeing is the running game. And this is where I see the Saints having the biggest advantage in this game. Joseph Addai is just too brittle for my liking in this instance, it seems like hes always banged up and that includes this year. I should know he gave me headaches on my fantasy football team this season. And if anything happens to Addai, then the pressure falls on the rookie Donald Brown.

On the other side of the field you got two explosive runningbacks with breakaway speed and quick moves in Pierre Thomas and the always electrifying Reggie Bush.

I feel that's where the Saints have the biggest advantage in this. Speed. We all know that speed kills. So we have to wonder if the Colts front seven can contain and keep up with that speed.

Offensively the Colts have a pretty considerable advantage at wide receiver. With the a 1-2 punch of Reggie Wayne and Dallas Clark its really hard to figure out who is worth the special attention. We saw Sunday that the Jets struggled to pass defend against both and when they got the job done, young emerging players Pierre Garcon and Austin Collie get their chances and end up making you pay for it. You can argue that the turning point in the AFC title game was that deep ball Manning hit Collie for late in the first half and I will go ahead and say that I may have never seen a more perfect pass than that one. Saints defenders be ready because you will have your hands full.


The Colts may be the early favorites at what I last saw, a 3.5 point favorite but there will be no doubt that the Saints will be the "feel good story" and the favored team among fans. Of course a lot of that has to do with the whole Hurricane Katrina thing and if that had been the 2006-07 season than yes but I don't want to make that a reason why they should be rooted for now.

If you think about it, the Saints really do have a good following and those fans have endured enough torture so it would be really nice to see the Saints "march in" and take the big one away from who I will deem as the evil villains in the Colts.

Another story line here that is interesting will be if the Saints do indeed win, Reggie Bush has said publicly that he will propose to longtime girlfriend Kim Kardashian, seen below.

Some may say that its all a stunt for the attention and something to market for Kim's show and blah blah blah. And some females I have talked to think she shouldn't even say yes if thats what it will take for him to pop the question. But I can tell you I think Bush got the idea.

Remember that moment? That's Ian Johnson popping the question his cheerleader girlfriend on national television after Boise State beat Oklahoma in the Fiesta Bowl. Only difference will be Bush won't have the balls to do it on national tv.

The Prediction

Lets go ahead and get this out of the way. The way I figured I'd predict what should be a great game is let the greatest video game ever decide the outcome and score for me.

That's right. Tecmo Super Bowl. I simulated the Colts and Saints in the game so heres the call.

Colts 21
Saints 31

That'll do it for now. I'm The Iceman and this has been Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to another addition of Ice Cold Sports, part of the Radio Blog Network, I'm the Iceman here to recap and give me my spin on all the event from this past weekend in the NFL. Today we will take a look back at the NFC title game and what Brett Favre SHOULD do. Tuesday we'll look at the AFC and I'll give you a first of many looks of Super Bowl 44 on Wednesday.

But first I will quickly mention that yes Craig...Ray Whitney PWNED Big Z yesterday. With that said...lets get into it.

Yesterday's NFC title game was one for the ages between the Vikings and Saints in the Big Easy. It pretty much had everything you could ask for in a great game. Drama, suspense, hard hits, great plays, and best of all it came down to the wire.

I will say this...I don't think I ever saw Brett Favre take so many hard hits in one game before but we all how big a gamer he his and he really fought through obvious pain. But we'll get to Favre a little bit later on.

I'll say this...Saints fans, feel fortunate that you escaped that game with a win. With as many dropped balls Saints receivers had its amazing really. The Saints defense couldn't really contain Adrian Peterson but lets face it, what team can? AP was awesome. But the Saints defense came up big when they needed to forcing five turnovers. But we know the Saints for their offense. Where was it exactly?

Sure Drew Brees threw 3 touchdowns but 17 for 31 and 197 yards isn't all that great in a big championship game. All that really means is he made plays when he needed to. Of course like I mentioned earlier, the Saints receivers did fail to hang on to a considerable amount of passes. And granted Brees was up against a very strong Vikings defense and was pressured all day long, it won't get any easier in two weeks when he faces a very fast front seven from Indianapolis.

Credit the Vikings defense with this. They held and contained the stellar running attack of Pierre Thomas and Reggie Bush to only 69 yards on 21 carries. But when it comes to overtime, if you get the ball first, chances are you are going to score.

Now the two penalties in the overtime didn't exactly help the Vikings defense. You can't commit a holding penalty on third and long and expect to gain momentum. And when you have a pass interference that obvious, you are basically screwed. The Saints took advantage of the penalties and the Saints were able to kick their way to Miami.

Now lets turn our attention to Brett Favre. Whether you like him or not, he is one if not the best quarterback to ever play the game of football and like him or not he had one the best seasons of his career this season.

But what should he do? Retire? Come back for one final season? His teammates seem convinced that he is as good as gone. But don't be so sure about that.

Think back to the 2007-08 NFC title game. Lambaeu Field, Favre and the Packers hosting the New York Giants. The game goes to overtime and what is Favre's last pass? Thats right, an interception. That one pass I believe was a big reason why he came back the following season. And one would hate to end a career with a play like that. Like mentioned before, Favre had one of the best seasons of his career with the Vikings. He threw 33 touchdowns and only 7 interceptions. This season was the first time in his entire career he had a season with less than ten interceptions. He also had a career high in pass completion percentage completing 68% of his passes. His 4202 passing yards were also the third most total in his long amazing career.

And with the team he has why shouldn't he come back? He'll still have AP, Sidney Rice, Percy Harvin who will only get better, and a great defense that could set him up for another title run next season. All the Vikings need to do is give him some time and not pressure him on a decision. But I'm formally calling it right here and now, write it down, I say Brett Favre WILL be back next season because he has proved he can still do it and he has the tools to win.

That wraps it up for today. We'll revisit the AFC title game tomorrow. Till then I'm the Iceman and this has been Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Part 3: Seventh Inning Stretch/Bonehead of the Week

Welcome back to Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network. Lets get to the 7th inning stretch. This is a new segment where we will quickly cover whatever is happening in the world of baseball. Starting in New York...

The Mets acquired Outfielder Gary Matthews Jr.

Excuse me while I wet myself in excitement. No really...If I were a Braves or Phillies fan I would be so scared because a .258 career hitter is making his way to Queens. is that guy making 10 million a year? I really think they only did this deal because the Angels also gave them 21 million dollars along with him. I'm sure Omar will spend that money wisely. This is Matthews 7th team in ten years. Don't you think theres an issue there? I'll let you decide.

Rick Ankiel signs with Royals.

Rick Ankiel...hmm...oh! the guy who once threw wilder than Rick Vaughn.

At least he discovered in the minors that he can hit the snot out of a ball. I actually like this move for the Royals. He has pop and the Royals need pop. Not to mention he actually has a heck of a glove. One the bright side...he doesn't have to travel far. On the bad side...its the Royals. Good Luck Buddy.

I was going to talk about the Jose Contreras signing but everytime I try to act serious, I crack up laughing. If the Phils are smart...they won't him start period.

Lets finish things up with the Bonehead of the Week Award.

This week it wasn't a hard decision at all. In fact...this may be the easiest pick I've ever had.

If you voted for Allen Iverson and/or Tracy McGrady in the NBA All Star voting you are the biggest fool on this earth. What on earth would make you think that either of those two is worthy enough to represent the best and brightest stars in the league. This isn't the year 2000. So to all of you dipsticks that voting for these are massive boneheads. Heres a present just for you.

That's going to do it for this edition of Ice Cold Sports. Catch you next time for another exciting episode. This has been Ice Cold Sports part of the Radio Blog Network, I'm the Iceman and I'm out of here faster than a Mark McGwire steroid filled homerun.

NASCAR Fights Back To Gain What They Should Have Never Lost, It's Fans

NASCAR president Mike Helton made an announcement saying that the sport neeeded to return to its "If your not rubbing, your not racing" scheme of things in what I call an act desperation to gain back the fans they should have never lost.

Throughout the past few years the sport which at one time was more popular than the NFL, saw its attendance and television ratings drop considerably. We sometimes saw half empty race tracks at some of the seasons premiere races. I deem that all of the rules chances made which pretty much sucked the fun out of watching racing gone and if broken, given costly penalties.

Even the drivers themselves would publicly criticize the new rules saying "just let us race." With the rules to attempt to rid of any type of conflict in the sport the fans began to lose interest, which meant in the economical times the country has been placed in, nobody wants to spend a few hundred dollars to watch forty-three men drive around in a circle.

Other rules included featured such items like no bump drafting at Daytona and Talladega and changes to the spoilers. Now I for one could care less about the spoiler rule but the no bump drafting one really set me off. That took all the fun out of watching the super speedways. And yes I am one of those crazy people who watch for wrecks. But now Helton is lifting the bump drafting rule which means we get to more know.

Now many people say that NASCAR should have never changed things around and those of you who think that are dead on. I really don't get why you would change a good product. Well NASCAR you have seen the effects of your bad judgment and will now fight to get back what you lost.

But there is one more problem NASCAR. Your still too expensive to attend. Keep in mind the trend right now is to stay home and watch the sporting event from home. But with NASCAR, if you so choose to stay home and watch, you'll most likely end up missing half of the race due to commercial breaks.

Good luck in your fight to gain back your fans NASCAR because in the times we're in right now, you're going to need all the help you can get.

More fun and games coming soon on Ice Cold Sports on the Radio Blog Network

All Star Fan Voting: Filled With More Jokes Than Stand Up Night On Comedy Central

Welcome to the inaugural episode of Ice Cold Sports here on the Radio Blog Network. I am your host known famously around my parts as The Iceman. Lots to do today so lets jump right into it.
I want to start today with the NBA fan voting. For weeks we kept hearing reports that Allen Iverson and Tracy McGrady were leading their respected positions to start the mid season classic. Allen Iverson and Tracy this the year 2000 or 2010? Granted that yes Allen Iverson was once the best point guard in the league and none of us will ever forget the great and always entertaining "practice" rant. But his career has not be the same since he left Philadelphia in 2006. He struggled to transition from the role of the superstar to the role player and practically made himself unwanted once his days in Detroit ended. Of course this season the Memphis experiment didn't work, he was let out and now back where it all started to try to rejuvenate his career. But with the loyality with fans, we will see old AI run the point in this years all star game.

I feel as if the Gilbert Arenas situation didn't blow over that he would be the obvious choice to be the man. But lets face it. Hes just an immature, selfish diva who turned out to be a mega waste of money.

The top two names that stand out to be who should be named as reserves are Chicago Bulls guard Derrick Rose and Boston Celtics star Rajon Rondo. Rose is electrifying the basketball scene in Chicago where he seems to shine in the biggest of spotlights. Then of course you got a man has turned into a triple-double machine in Rajon Rondo, who is probably one of the most overlooked and underrated players in the game. But I guess when your teammates include Kevin Garnett, Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and Rasheed Wallace, you will tend to lose your spotlight. However...little Rajon keeps motoring on.
And I can't sit here without giving some major props to Brandon Jennings. You remember him...he chose to skip college to play overseas to get into the NBA faster. When drafted by the Bucks, the move was questioned and risky. Now its turned out to be the steal of the draft. If you haven't seen Jennings on a court yet, make it a goal to.

Then you have Tracy McGrady. You remember him don't you? He became known in Toronto and a star in Orlando before coming to Houston. But in reality...most just know him as Vince Carters cousin.

McGrady is putting up stellar numbers this season, averaging 3.4 points a game in six games this year while averaging a very tiring seven minutes a game.

Excuse me here but why is this man even on the ballet? Secondly how is this man getting votes? Are there people really out there that feel that Tracy "I spend more time on the injury list than the court" McGrady is better than the likes of Chris Paul, Steve Nash, Deron Williams, and Chauncey Billups? Oh and I hear that Tony Parker guy in San Antonio is pretty good too.

But in the end justice was righted and fans will get to see a very deserving Steve Nash run a powerful western team with Carmelo Anthony, Tim Duncan, Amar'e Stoudemire and of course Kobe.

With the events that have unfolded this year added to the many of head scratching choices we've seen. There is no bigger time than now to do away with fan voting in all sports, not just basketball. It is time to leave this kind of power to people who know how to use it. I'm talking about the players, coaches, general managers, and sports writers to determine who is worthy of getting that starting honor. It is more clear now than ever that the fans just can't handle that kind of responsibility anymore.

But least they don't have the problem the NFL has. Just about all of the NBA's all stars will show up. except hopefull...Allen "Not the Answer Anymore" Iverson.

With that we'll take a break. More after these messages on Ice Cold Sports. Part of the Radio Blog Network.